Urban Interventions
Pedestrian bridge, Athens, GR
Pedestrian Bridge over Kifissias Avenue
Prof. S.N.Pollalis Inc. as designer in collaboration with Alexandros Samaras, Faedon Karydakis, Emenergy
Psychico, Athens, Greece
HAEF (Hellenic – American Education Foundation) and The Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
Design 2010, Construction 2011
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The proper placement in a busy residential neighborhood determined the design of the pedestrian bridge crossing a heavy traffic-6-lane road. The crossing should not be imposing and should be at a residential scale. Equally important was the feeling of those walking on the bridge. They should get the sense of security from the vehicular traffic below and, at the same time, should get the notion of flying, with a sense of minimal protection. This was achieved by designing a non-symmetrical bridge, alternating the cable stays from one side of the deck to the other, by letting the middle part with no cables, and by using transparent glass railings.