National Urban Assessment of Pakistan, PK

Pakistan’s National Urban Assessment
Strengthening Urban Investment Planning and Capacity for Project Preparation and Implementation in Central and West Asia – Asian Development Bank
Prof. S.N.Pollalis Inc. as chief consultants
Asian Development Bank
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The National Urban Assessment (NUA) of Pakistan is part of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) regional project Strengthening Urban Investment Planning and Capacity for Project Preparation and Implementation in Central and West Asia. It serves as a background paper for the country partnership strategy (CPS) with ADB and forms the basis for the pipeline of urban operations.
The NUA report will provide an overview of the country’s urban environment. A thorough and holistic analysis will outline the current situation of the urban sector and assess its institutional, financial, social, and infrastructure conditions. The study will describe the country’s urban profile and will identify its strengths and weaknesses. Sustainability and resilience to climate change play a central role in this approach, aligned with international sustainability standards and initiatives. Findings of the assessment will form the basis for actions towards sustainable, integrated urban planning. The scope of the NUA is to give an in-depth Pakistan’s urban potential for supporting ADB’s short, medium, and long-term decision-making in operations and investments.
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